Modes, and Music
of the Middle Ages

An introduction and workshop on Gregorian Chant were held in the beautiful setting of Saint Leo Abbey. Participants were provided information on the history, notation, and music of the Gregorian Chant era. Participants will learn and perform actual selections from Gregorian Chant literature. This was a Singing workshop, our goal is for all participants to learn to sing several Gregorian chants.
This is an experiential workshop taking us through Gregorian Chant history, the value of the modes found within them, as well as the communal sound of our voices together.
Janet Kato will be presenting information and chants from Hildegard von Bingen.
Dennis Devine - provided examples of modes in world music and chants throughout the world.
Set in the pastoral hills of St. Leo, Florida, and the vibrant dome of St. Leo Abbey you will experience amidst the history of the Benedictine Community, the long-known beauty and devotion of Gregorian Chant for your personal or professional use.
Additional References to Gregorian Chant and Hildegard von Bingen
In the beautiful setting of Saint Leo Abbey
(Limited space available)